Always with the quality
Patacho S.L was born in 1995 betting on the use of top quality materials in all its products.
from its origin, Patacho S.L has oriented its business philosophy to develop a global commitment to its customers, suppliers and members of the company.

Our business commitment It is based on sharing the same strategic orientation. With a wide diversification of the offer of products.
Development and Expansion
Always trying to maintain a very high competitiveness in all the markets where we are present without lowering the bar in terms of quality and service. The results are visible year after year and the policies of development and expansion
so they show it.
Today, as a result of experience and collaboration, that first catalog with 31 models has given way to this catalog of products for safety at height, which includes more than 800 models for very different uses but with a common goal, the full satisfaction of our customers.